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My journey at Elsevier: A greenhouse for growth and passion

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Katie Chan
June 6, 2024
5 min read
Katie Chan in the café of Elsevier’s London Wall office.
Katie Chan in the café of Elsevier’s London Wall office.

Working at Elsevier has shaped my career, broadened my horizons, and allowed me to thrive in a supportive and diverse environment. It’s a place where people, passion and purpose converge. Elsevier has been more than just a workplace — it’s been a greenhouse for my personal and professional growth where colleagues, managers and the scientific community we serve have played pivotal roles in shaping my growth.

I was born in Hong Kong and came to UK to pursue a university degree. Moving here was a significant cultural shock. Upon completing my degree in Biochemistry at the University of York, I started job hunting with little success. Then I saw a post for a position at Elsevier. As a biochemistry student, I had the chance to experience ScienceDirect — the world’s leading platform for scholarly journals and books — and that attracted me to apply at Elsevier.

However, as a person of color, I have faced racism in the UK, and I thought part of the reason I was not getting interviews was because of my background. So I removed my Chinese name from my CV and applied. Well, it turned out that I didn’t need to. Elsevier welcomed me with open arms, recognizing my talent and potential as well as the value of diverse perspectives. I came to realize that Elsevier actively hires international talent and provides essential support, including visa and relocation assistance. Their commitment to diversity was impressive given that I started my career almost a decade ago, and inclusion and diversity (I&D) was not a hot topic back then.

As I began my journey at Elsevier, what stood out to me immediately was its people. My colleagues are highly capable and knowledgeable yet friendly and always willing to share insights. Whether it’s discussing best practices, troubleshooting a difficult project or brainstorming ideas, their openness fosters a collaborative spirit and fuels my curiosity. We celebrate each other’s successes, and we learn from one another to collectively elevate our work. There are rarely any office politics — the people here are truly passionate about their work: helping the scientific community they serve and helping to make the company a better place. Their passion and dedication to their work is genuinely inspiring.

Katie Chan (far right) organized a talk with the Lancet team at the Elsevier London Wall office.

My managers have also been true advocates for my growth and success. Their recognition of my hard work went beyond routine feedback. When I exceeded expectations, they made sure to acknowledge and motivate me to keep pushing forward. But it wasn’t just about rewards. My managers actively sought out opportunities for me to challenge myself: special projects, innovative initiatives, roles I didn’t think I was ready for. I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone, and they believed in my potential even when I doubted it myself. Whether it was learning a new skill or a different role, they guided me toward my next career milestone. Their mentorship and genuine care made all the difference, and their unwavering support during challenging times — both professionally and personally — has been a lifeline.

Elsevier’s commitment to continuous development ensures that I don’t stagnate. I have joined multiple programs designed to help me move onto the next step of my career and discover new passions and skillsets. Apprenticeship programs allow you to shadow seasoned professionals and assist them in small projects to gain hands-on experience. Secondment opportunities enable you to explore diverse functions that align with your passions and aspirations while remaining in a safe and supportive environment. Mentorship programs are also available to help shape your career trajectory and provide a supportive network. I have joined diversity-focused mentorships such as our Developing Talent for Gender and Minority Leadership program and our PRIDE Mentorship, which aim to empower employees from diverse backgrounds. In both instances, I was paired with experienced professionals who shared a similar background with me; they have encouraged me to bring my true self to work and offered unique insight into advancing my career.

Beyond professional growth, I also feel that the company cares about our wellbeing. The discreet mental health support line and paid mental health leave demonstrate this commitment. A healthy work-life balance is essential for sustained productivity. Flexible work arrangements, remote options, and wellness programs ensure that employees can recharge and maintain equilibrium. When life throws curveballs, Elsevier stands by its employees, recognizing that mental health matters. It’s a testament to the organization’s empathy and compassion.

Elsevier isn’t just about journals, conferences and metrics: It’s about people — the beating heart of this scientific ecosystem. As I continue my journey, I’m grateful for the kind souls, passionate minds and numerous opportunities to continuously grow, learn and develop. Together at the greenhouse that is Elsevier, we cultivate knowledge, nurture growth and sprout innovation — one publication at a time.

Katie Chan's LinkedIn Profile

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